Emerging Professionals
Vermont EPN Director: Andres Gutierrez Email
The Emerging Professionals Network of Vermont is a component of AIA Vermont. The EPN serves local emerging professionals by representation on the AIA Vermont Board of Directors, while in turn educating members about important developments within the design and construction industry. The EPN also serves a larger purpose by organizing events and projects that bring together students, young designers and experienced architects, in order to promote architecture and good design in our community.
Meetups & Discussions:
2012-Present: An ongoing series of social meetings happen throughout the state. These occur, more often than not at local breweries. If you would like to organize your own meetup or find ones near you contact us via e-mail or Facebook.
Architecture & Design Film Series: Adfilmseries.org
2013-Present: Monthly Film Screenings and discussions in both Burlington, VT and Brattleboro, VT. The film series engages, provokes and inspires the Vermont community by exploring the impact and importance of design and beauty in our lives. AIAVT and its EPN co-sponsor these events.
Annual Design Competition:
An annual design competition organized by EPN VT challenges emerging professionals living or working in New England states. Each year, young professionals, students, and experienced architects compete to design in response to a brief shared at the start of the event. Briefs have included designing a future Hinesburg as a net zero community, an artistic installation that encourages the connection between two cultural locations, light rail station that promotes alternative transportation options, a mixed-use, seasonally adaptive, outdoor event venue, and many more! Prizes have included cash awards for first, second and third place winners ranging from $100- $800.
Educational Lectures & Presentations:
Look for upcoming lectures and presentations on AIAVT's events page.
ARE Resources & Study Materials:
Licensing Advisor: AIAVT members are encouraged to reach out to our State Licensing Advisor, David Mentzer, for help with the licensing process. To be connected with David, please email our Executive Director, at sarah.odonnell@ aiavt.org
AIAVT Study Library: Various study guides and materials are available to AIAVT members to borrow at no cost. Email sarah.odonnell@ aiavt.org to request materials.
Our current study materials library includes:
- PPI2Pass Print Bundle:
- ARE 5.0 Exam Review book
- ARE 5.0 Flash Cards
- ARE 5.0 Mock Exams book
- ARE 5.0 Practice Questions book
- Brightwood Architecture Education:
- ARE 5.0 Practice Management Study Guide (PcM)
- ARE 5.0 Project Management Study Guide (PjM)
- ARE 5.0 Programming & Analysis Study Guide (PA)
- ARE 5.0 Project Planning & Design (PPD)
- ARE 5.0 Project Development & Documentation (PDD)
- ARE 5.0 Construction Evaluation Study Guide (CE)
- Architects’ Handbook of Professional Practice (AHPP) 15th Edition, The American Institute of Architects
- The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design 6th Edition, Francis D K Ching
- Building Construction Illustrated, 5th Edition, Francis D K Ching
NCARB Practice Exams are Now Free
Six free Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) practice exams—one for each division—are now available to all licensure candidates.
To access the free practice exams if you don’t have active exam eligibilities, simply log in to your NCARB Record
AIAVT EPN Virtual Study Spaces
Alongside a study materials library, EPN has also set up a new virtual program called Study Spaces which connects EP’s studying for exam divisions via an online collaboration room where members can chat, send emails, ask questions and share resources in preparation for taking the AREs. If you or someone you know is interested in joining a Study Space, please email the EPN Director at aiavt.ep@gmail.com.
AIA Young Architects Forum
The AIA Young Architects Forum regularly publishes the YAF "Now Ya Know" Learn more about the Young Architects Forum