The Carol Miklos Community Outreach Grant

Grant Details and Application Information

The Carol Miklos Community Outreach Grant was created to support initiatives and special funding requests which have the potential to foster engagement with architecture and design in Vermont's communities. The Community Outreach Grant is named in honor of Carol Miklos, who served as AIAVT's Executive Director from 2008 to 2018.

Eligibility: Grant applications are open to AIA Vermont members, students, organizations, and community groups, as well as members of the general public.

Timeline & Funding Available: The grant will be awarded once per year, with the total amount awarded being up to $1500.

Application & Approval Process

Grant applications should include the following:

  • A project description, which includes the amount of funding requested, up to $1500, and a description of the intended use of the funds.

  • A budget for the proposed project, along with full a list of any other sources of funding beyond what AIAVT would potentially contribute.

  • A description of how the applicant’s proposal incorporates or accommodates any potential engagement with AIAVT membership, involves educational opportunities, and/or engages the design industry within the state and region.

  • A description of how the funded activity would be documented (write-up, photos, video, etc).

Funded projects will be announced in AIAVT’s newsletter publication and web site.

Upon completion of a funded project, AIAVT will consider devoting a newsletter article to the project and its outcomes and impact.

Review and Granting of Funds

Applications will be accepted for review as follows:

  • Applications submission deadline: July 1, 2024. Applicants notified by August 1, 2024.

The AIAVT Scholarship & Awards Committee will meet to conduct a review of applications and make a recommendation to the board for funding the selected applicants’ project(s). Notification of grant recipient and distribution of funds occurs by the dates noted above. 

Complete Applications should be sent as a pdf attachment to info@ with "Community Outreach Grant Application" in the subject line.