2013 AIAVT Excellence in Architecture Design Awards
the 2013 Call for Entries
McLeod Kredell Architects of Middlebury
Foote Farmhouse near Middlebury
Honor Award
Jury comments: The building is quite beautiful and the relationship between inside and outside is very strong. This is a beautifully sited building. There is an economy of materials that are combined to create a distinct sense of place. There is a feel of traditional architecture, but it does not copy. The $280,000 construction budget is quite impressive.
Ann Beha Architects of Boston, MA
Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education at the Shelburne Museums in Shelburne
Merit Award
Jury Comments: The Center is modern and sensitive with a wonderful palette of materials that are harmonious with the site.
It establishes the first contemporary architectural expression on the Shelburne Museum campus. The exterior is well done and the sense of arrival is pleasing. The building responds well to Route 7 on one side and the museum buildings on the other side. The site planning is very nice. This building captures the spirit of Vermont without being too reverential.
Goody Clancy of Boston
Welcome and Admissions Center at Roger H. Perry Hall at Champlain College, Burlington
Merit Award
Jury comments: The solution is well designed and holistic. The Welcome Center deals well with sustainability. The project respects the historic nature of the existing building and neighborhood and is very well integrated into the landscape. The solution is well refined and controlled while still taking some risks.
Ryall Porter Sheridan Architects of New York City
Guilford Sound Recording Studios and Residence in Southern Vermont
Merit Award
Jury comments: These two buildings walk the line of being simple but beautifully done. There is a lot more work here than initially meets the eye. One juror said they appreciated the clear distinction between old and new and how that was handled. This is a simple yet elegant solution – even though it was fussed over it doesn’t feel that way.
Centerline Architects and Planners, PC of Bennington
Private Residence in Salem NY
Jury Comments: There was a high level of creative thought about the existing buildings. This project was very well done. Decisions made were smart, right down to the paint color. This project submission was well presented. Structures were preserved and enhanced to remain sensitive to the farm’s history.
Bear Island Design Assembly
Bear Island Farm Stand located in Islesboro, ME
Citation: Special Category
Collaborative Student Project Submission organized by John McLeod, AIA, Stephen Kredell, AIA, Jonathan Marvel, FAIA
Jury Comments: The jury liked the idea of collaboration and bringing groups together for a project with a size of only 160 sf with material costs of under $2000. Transportation of materials to the island was a great story. The submission’s emphasis on process was especially interesting.
Smith and Vansant Architects, P.C. of Norwich
Contemporary Weekend House in Sugarhill, NH
People's Choice Award
2013 AIAVT Awards Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

The Jury
BSA members graciously served as jury for AIAVT’s design awards this year. Our jurors included: Kent Kovacs from Flansburgh Architects; Craig Mutter from Machado & Silvetti Associates; Dan Aron from Architerra; Adam Mitchell from Cambridge Seven Associates. Submissions were reviewed in Boston on November 1. This year we had a whooping 39 entries. The Boston jury sends their congratulations to all the winners and had very complementary things to say about the quality of submissions this year – lots of good stuff here. Jurors indicated solutions were thoughtful and they were impressed with the high quality of submissions. Attention to detail, not only in the design but in energy performance including tight well designed envelopes was evident in most submissions.