2030 Districts Network Summit Kick-off Celebration

2030 Districts Network Summit Kick-off Celebration

Date: 10/17/23 5:00 PM
Website: app.tickettailor.com/events/vermontgreenbuildingnetwork/1009718
Location: Burlington, VT

The Burlington 2030 District and 2030 Districts Network are pleased to invite you to the 2030 Districts Network Summit kick-off celebration at Hotel Vermont's Juniper Hall in Burlington, Vermont.
Please join us on October 17th to kick-off the 2030 Districts Network Summit and celebrate the 2030 Districts Network and Burlington 2030 District, a private/public partnership that supports local efforts to mitigate climate change. Connect with leaders from the 24 established and two emerging 2030 Districts throughout North America, the 2030 Districts Network Board of Governors and Burlington 2030 District steering committee, members and partners. Come celebrate the 2030 Districts Network and our collective effort to reduce building energy consumption, water use and transportation emissions.

Please register by October 10th, 2023 | Free for Burlington 2030 District Members and $10 for non-members


Contact: Jenna Antonino DiMare
Email: jenna.antonino.dimare@ 2030districts.org