A&D Film Series: Aalto

AD Film Series Aalto

Date: 12/13/23 6:00 PM
Website: adfilmseries.org
Location: Burlington, Brattleboro, and Virtual

December 13, 2023 | Doors 6pm, Screening 6:30pm
Live at Contois Auditorium, Burlington & 118 Elliot, Brattleboro
Screen from Home, Same Day Only
Directed by Virpi Suutari
2020, Finland, 99 Minutes
PREVIEW: www.filmmovement.com/product/aalto

This exploration of Alvar Aalto, the defining figure in Scandic design and one of Europe’s greatest modern architects, focuses on his remarkable partnership with wife, Aino. Theirs was a humanist vision that put people at the center of design and ranged from work in furniture design to huge architectural projects. They mixed with, and influenced, major figures of modernist design including Le Corbusier, Gropius, Moholy-Nagy, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Come on a cinematic tour of their iconic buildings, from a library in Russia, a student dormitory at MIT, an art collector’s private house near Paris, to a pavilion in Venice. Featuring never before seen archive footage, Aalto tells the love story of an extraordinary couple with a great passion for human scale architecture.

Contact: AD Film Series
Email: adfilmseries@ gmail.com