Advocacy 101 with AIAVT

Advocacy 101 with AIAVT

Date: 2/2/23 12:00 PM
Location: Virtual

AIA Vermont is pleased to have the opportunity to host the American Institute of Architects' Senior Manager in Advocacy, Stephanie Lamore. Stephanie will present an introduction to advocacy webinar, designed specifically for members of AIA Vermont.

Architects advocate every day, both in the studio, out on the job site, or in front of design review boards. AIA Vermont's members benefit from the power of a shared voice that can amplify the issues that are important to our organization, such as climate action, affordable housing, resiliency, and energy codes.

Advocacy 101 is designed to be an introduction for members on how to advocate effectively at the local or state level. Learn (or re-familiarize yourself with) some of the basics of how to be an effective advocate, and how to take advantage of the resources available through AIA.

Contact: Sarah O Donnell
Email: sarah.odonnell@