Yestermorrow Presents: Affordable Efficiency: Achieving Green Standards on a Budget (Yestermorrow Spring Speaker Series)

Affordable Efficiency Achieving Green Standards on a Budget Yestermorrow Spring Speaker Series

Date: 4/9/25 6:30 PM
Location: Waitsfield, VT

Spring 2025 Speaker Series: Innovative Homes
Affordable Efficiency: Achieving Green Standards on a Budget with Jonathon Goldhammer

Join Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity for a discussion about energy efficient building in Northwestern Vermont while embracing a perpetually affordable housing mission. Topics in the discussion will range from Net Zero Energy Homes, building to Efficiency Vermont’s Certified 2.0 and 3.0 specifications and passive solar home construction. Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity is building safe, energy-efficient, affordable homes through partnerships, giving families a hand-up (not a handout) to a better life.

Contact: Sarah Johnson
Email: sarah@