AIAVT Presents: Have a Seat, A Furniture Design Competition and Live Auction Event

Date: 6/21/25 3:00 PM
Location: Shelburne, VT

AIAVT Presents:

Have a Seat

A Furniture Design Competition and Live Auction Event

Have a lot of odds and ends lying around that you don’t know what to do with? In need of a creative outlet? Looking for a Team-Building exercise? We have just the thing for you! Gather up your tools & discarded materials and prepare to build a one-of-a kind piece. We’re saving our scraps from the landfill and offering hand-crafted, durable furnishings to Vermonters. There’s not much more to it than that!

A few rules and regulations:

Entries must use a majority of reclaimed, reused, and recycled material.
A jury will score pieces on Creativity, Innovation, Aesthetics, and Functionality

One Winner will be chosen by the jury, the other a Peoples’ Choice Award.

You do not need to be present to win, but your piece must arrive by the deadline.

Please find additional rules here:

This year’s theme: single-occupant seating apparatus

Save the Date June 21st, 2025

More details to come...

Contact: Chi Nguyen
Email: chi@