CBES 2024: Overview of Substantial Changes & Compliance Options (2.5 AIA LU/HSW)
Date: 3/27/24 8:00 AM
Website: www.eventbrite.com/e/cbes-2024-overview-of-substantial-changes-compliance-options-tickets-862396680687
Location: Efficiency Vermont offices, 20 Winooski Falls Way, 5th Floor, Winooski, VT 05404
Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan states that all new construction must be built to net-zero ready standards by 2030, but how will we get there? Between now and then, three cycles of code updates will progressively step Vermont along to meet the 2030 goal. The next iteration of the Vermont energy code is expected to be adopted in summer of 2024. This session will present the Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES) updates for this most recent code cycle, walk through the changes with the biggest impacts, and provide the information needed to ensure code compliance for future building projects.
Participants will review the adopted updates to the Vermont energy code, learning what the most significant changes are and their implications for future commercial building projects. This session will equip them with the essential knowledge to ensure code compliance and to effectively contribute to Vermont's goal of achieving net-zero ready standards by 2030, promoting environmental welfare and sustainability in building practices.
This training is hosted by Efficiency Vermont, and presented by Steve O'Malley.
This course is approved for a combined 2.5 AIA LU/HSW credits
Contact: Bryn Oakleaf
Email: boakleaf@ veic.org