Passive House window/door Install & Air sealing Workshop
Vermont Passive House -- with the Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity Chapter together with Klearwall Industries, and Partel/Ampack air sealing systems will sponsor:
Passive House window/door Install & Air sealing Workshop @ the Central VT Habitat for Humanity PH Build
1248 Rt 2 East Montpelier VT 05601
November 16th Wednesday, 10am-2pm
Jennifer Brakenwagen and Nathen Priputen from Klearwall Industries along with Chris Miksic will present a 4 hr Install workshop showcasing a PH midway window and PH door install. Installation demonstration will also include air sealing detailing with a new to North America Ampack air sealing system.
Coffee/tea morning snacks and pizza lunch will be provided.
This is an opportunity to see up-close the PH insulation envelope assembly and airtightness strategy for this unique low-energy PH build.
Passive House triple glaze windows and doors are an integral part of low energy design and one of the most important components of a PH design strategy. PH windows provide more BTU solar gains to the enclosure over 12 months then they lose to the outside.
Please come dressed for what could be a cold morning—warm clothes and closed toe shoes/boots.
Please RSVP to:
Chris Miksic chris@ 802-249-1052