AIAVT Announces Nathalia Ellis as New Strategic Council Rep

AIA Vermont's Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Nathalia Ellis, AIA, of Freeman French Freeman will represent Vermont on the AIA Strategic Council. Nathalia has served as a member of the AIAVT Board of Directors since 2021, and as Board President in 2024. Nathalia will continue on the board in the role of Immediate Past President for her 2025 term. 

Nathalia grew up in São Paulo, Brazil, where she earned her Bachelor of Architecture and Urban Planning degree from the University of São Paulo.  She went on to receive a Master of Architecture from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, focusing on school design for multicultural environments. At firms in Vermont, Las Vegas, and São Paulo, Nathalia has worked on a variety of building typologies.

The AIA Strategic Council directly engages with the challenges and opportunities facing the profession, from both the national and local perspectives. The Council advances the profession by informing the Board of Directors and other AIA bodies of important professional issues and opportunities, and engages in strategic planning to inform AIA’s goals, objectives, and strategies. Councilors serve as a communications link between the Strategic Council and AIAVT to improve and increase the flow of information throughout the AIA.

Nathalia shared the following in anticipation of her involvement, "I am honored to serve as AIAVT's next representative on the Strategic Council, allowing me to represent our chapter at the national level. The council is divided into various think tanks, and I will be part of the group focusing on AI and its impact on our profession.

The beauty of being connected with members from across the country is that we can collaborate, learn from each other, and find the best possible solutions for issues such as copyright, liability, and understanding how AI will shape the design process in the future. Also, we will aim to create learning opportunities for all our members, leveling the playing field. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months."