AIAVT Receives Clarification from PSD on RBES Update

Memo to Members of AIAVT on RBES 11.5.24

AIA Vermont's Public Policy Committee has been working with the Vermont Builders & Remodelers Association (VBRA) to clarify for our respective members how they should follow the most recent Residential Building Energy Code (RBES) update, which went into effect on July 1, 2024. Despite the July 1 roll-out date, not all of the information needed by builders and designers has been available from the Department of Public Service's website. AIAVT and VBRA met with the Department of Public Service (PSD) to seek clarification about which version of the RBES is the authoritative version architects and builders should use and to help clear up discrepancies between the rule and the handbook.

PSD has clarified that the authoritative rule is the one passed on 6/21/23:

Additional takeaways from our meeting include:

  1. PSD has been editing the published rule plus the handbook to ensure they will align with the previously approved rule. They graciously welcomed our list of discrepancies.
  2. PSD cannot post the final version of the RBES (due to copyright issues), but the ICC publication should be available in about a month. At that time, the final copy will be posted on the Public Service webpage, as well as the ICC VT webpage. The paper version will be available as soon as possible after that.
  3. REScheck (the compliance software) has been held up because Vermont is the first state in the nation to include provisions of the 2024 IECC in its energy code. This software should be available for designers and architects by early January.
  4. It was also discussed that the final adopted version of RBES, the handbook, and REScheck should be published at least six months before their effective date so that the building community has enough time to design and plan for projects that would be affected by the new code.  PSD agreed with this goal. Up until recently, PSD has been required under state statute to update RBES on a schedule strictly tied to IECC updates. As a result of last year’s Building Energy Code Study Committee, that statute has been changed so that PSD is now able to issue code updates on a timely and appropriate basis.  Moving forward, we believe this will allow PSD more time to develop the rule books and supporting materials so that they are available when needed.

AIA Vermont looks forward to continuing to work with PSD, in tandem with VBRA, to help ensure that the energy codes can be implemented by builders and architects, ultimately supporting Vermont’s efforts to reach the state's energy goals. Thank you to the members of our Public Policy Committee for their continued work on this important issue.