Maintenance Superintendent/ Courthouse Building Committee Chairman

A&E - Courthouse Schematic Design Services

The Consultant shall aide the county’s Courthouse Building Committee in interviewing the various departments and agencies who will occupy the new facility to determine and validate programming needs for the new building.

The Consultant shall prepare a schematic design that shows the new building’s relationship to the site, the size, adjacencies of spaces, circulation and overall concept of what the building will look like (as a 3D model).

Once accord is reached on the design, the Consultant shall present to the commissioners a formal report (bound paper and electronic copies) that provide a preliminary opinion of construction cost in addition to project non-construction soft costs (i.e. furniture, professional fees, permit fees, insurances, equipment, geotechnical engineering services, existing building demolition, moving expenses, hazardous waste abatement and other similar expenses).

Contact: Jim Oakes
Email: joakes@