Practical, Code-Compliant Detailing for Mid-Rise Wood Structures
Event cost is $20 and is good for 2 AIA/CES HSW LUs, 2 PDH credits or 0.2 ICC credit. It is at the Double Tree by Hilton at 870 Williston Rd.
With an increase in mid-rise wood-frame buildings, more designers are seeking information on code-compliant and constructible detailing. Many are unsure of the code’s requirements for details, specifically at the intersection of rated assemblies and where structure and fire protection meet. This presentation will focus on common detailing issues and areas of misunderstanding—including fire-resistance rating continuity, allowable uses of wood framing in shaft and fire walls, and fire safety principles associated with the intersection of two rated assemblies. Mid-rise wood-frame opportunities and code-specified building sizes will also be reviewed, followed by discussion of detailing code requirements, code compliance, and rationale for approval with an emphasis on constructability and practicality.