Growing by Leaps and Bounds: AIAVT's First Year Working with a Lobbyist in Montpelier

AIAVT Legislative Recap 2024

On behalf of the AIAVT Public Policy Committee (PPC), I am pleased to report on the 2024 legislative session after our first year with a Lobbyist.  No question- IT WAS INCREDIBLE.  For the last few years, we have been getting as close to the action as volunteers/spectators can.  This year, it felt like we were on the field of play with a guide to show us what was really going on.  This guidance came in the form of Andrew Brewer from the law offices of DRM.  Andrew is well respected in Montpelier and very knowledgeable in the specific areas of our interests.  He was able to immediately integrate with our Committee and quickly became invaluable.

As we had hoped, our voices were indeed amplified. Andrew attended all of our PPC meetings and walked us through all the bills that we thought might be of interest to AIAVT.  He let us know which ones were on the move, or not.  We were consistently better able to focus our comments and position statements directly toward the key legislators involved in committee reviews.  More importantly, we were able to reach out at the exact time our information would be helpful to their consideration of these important agenda items including ACT250, Housing, RBES/CBES, DFS oversight, School construction aid, and other bills affecting the health, safety and welfare of all Vermonters.  The session closed with more AIAVT members being placed on summer study committees and invitations to meeting groups on these topics and more.  We remain deeply engaged in efforts to make our collective voices heard in Montpelier and to offer the specific expertise our AIA chapter is willing and able to provide.

A special thanks to several PPC members that testified one or more times this past session or have participated tirelessly on study committees.  Please recognize Bob Duncan, Sandy Vitzthum, David Epstein, Matt Bushey, Tom Bursey, and Donna Leban.

For anyone interested in joining the PPC and getting in on the action, now is the time!  Please contact Sarah O’Donnell or me directly.  If you are just looking for a good read, continue on to the Legislative Summary prepared by Andrew.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the AIAVT Board of Directors and the AIAVT membership for their vision to recognize the benefits of having a lobbyist and for their generous support in making this a reality. Thank you to the firms and individuals who contributed to AIAVT’s Advocacy Fundraising efforts. The money we raised meant we could hire DRM and  considerably increase our effectiveness at the State House.  We look forward to continuing our efforts again next year in the second half of the biennial session. Please help us continue this important work by making a contribution towards next year’s efforts.

Respectfully submitted,

John Alden, AIAVT, PPC Chair

2024 Legislative Summary


The legislature officially wrapped up the 2023/2024 legislative biennium on June 17th by responding to vetoed bills from Governor Scott. Now, legislators and candidates will turn their attention to the August primaries and the November general election.

With a required two-thirds vote of members present in both the House and Senate, legislators overrode six of seven vetoed bills up for consideration. Only H.121, the data privacy bill, narrowly missed an override in the Senate.

Yield Bill

The most anticipated override vote was H.887, known as the "yield bill" which sets the state property tax rates for education. With little debate, the legislature overrode the Governor’s veto, passing Act 183 which will result in a statewide average rate increase of 13.8% for residential and non-residential properties. To keep the increase lower than it might have been, the legislature added a 6% sales tax on Software as a Service, levied a 3% surcharge on short-term rentals and found $25 million in general fund surplus to help buy down the tax rates. 

Act 183 also establishes a Commission on the Future of Public Education to study and make recommendations for the statewide vision of public education in Vermont including governance, resources, administration, physical size and footprint, the role of public schools, and the education finance system.

Housing and Act 250 Modernization

Similarly, lawmakers voted to override the Governor’s veto of Housing/Act 250 bill Act 181 (H.687), marking the final passage of the historic compromise that has been a monumental undertaking for policymakers and stakeholders this session. There will be much work ahead in the next biennium as the new board is put in place, statewide mapping occurs and rules are established for a location-based jurisdiction approach that will see full and permanent exemptions in smart growth areas soon. There will be legislative opportunities to amend the law as the details begin to take shape. In the meantime, temporary Act 250 exemptions for housing will start immediately in certain designated areas.

Act 181 creates a new Land Use Review Board and sets up future legislative action on the development of a new tiering system for Act 250 including Tiers 1A, 1B, 2 and 3 - Tier 1A would have blanket exemptions from Act 250 and 1B would exempt housing development under 50 units on less than 10 acres. Tier 3 will include the state’s critical natural resource areas where automatic act 250 jurisdiction will apply, while Tier 2 will encompass the rest - and the bulk - of the state.  Permit appeals will remain with the Environmental Court for the time being. Immediately, the construction of up to 75 housing units in designated Town Centers, Growth Centers or Designated Neighborhood Development Areas will be exempt from Act 250 through January 1, 2027. 

Act 181 also reestablishes the “Road Rule” which brings development of a road longer than 800 feet, or total driveway and road development of 2,000 feet under Act 250 jurisdiction. Further, Act 181 strengthens regulations around intact forest blocks and forest fragmentation caused by development.

Renewable Energy Standard

Other veto overrides included the "Renewable Energy Standard" H.289 (Act 179) which aim to require power companies to move to net zero carbon sources by January 1, 2030 or participate in a credit program similar to the "Affordable Heat Act."



During the regular legislative session, AIAVT was very engaged with the update to Vermont’s Residential Building Energy Standards. Following a successful effort to delay implementation of new RBES by a year (rules were adopted June, 2023, but the effective date delayed to July 1, 2024), AIAVT participated in a summer study committee and had an active role in legislation this session. Subsequently, S.253 (Act 151) was passed into law.  The bill creates a working group to continue the work of increasing compliance with RBES, gives the Department of Public Service more discretion to update future versions of RBES and CBES when it is timely and appropriate, and directs the Office of Professional Regulation to ask for additional information from residential building contractors when they register.

While the bill fell short of AIAVT’s goal of establishing a state agency or office designated to interpret, administer and enforce RBES, it does create an ongoing working group to:  (1) recommend strategies and programs to increase awareness of and compliance with the RBES and CBES, including the use of appropriate certifications for contractors trained on the energy codes; (2) develop plans and recommendations for a potential transition to a comprehensive program for the RBES and CBES at the Divisions of Fire Safety, including potential funding sources; and (3) consider whether or not the State should adopt a statewide building code. The objective of working towards a state agency having official jurisdiction and resources to administer all residential construction will continue on. AIAVT is pleased to have Matt Bushey, AIA representing our organization as a member of the working group. Matt was an invaluable member of the AIAVT Energy Code Task Force, which met throughout 2023 to support Bob Duncan and Sandy Vitzthume in their work on the Building Energy Codes Legislative Study Committee, and we are excited to have him continue this work as a member of the Building Energy Codes Working Group.

While fully supportive of energy codes and their intended goals, AIAVT cited a lack of informative outreach by DPS to the building community, technical impracticalities with the code, and even an absence of a code book to follow as reasons why the RBES update was not ready to go into effect. Despite working very hard to secure an additional period of postponement so that these issues could be addressed, the 2024 RBES updates went into effect as of July 1, 2024.  There is also concern that the new rules underwent further changes after the official date of adoption by the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR). LCAR’s power to delay or stop a rule is limited, and notwithstanding the ire of committee members regarding the flawed rollout by DPS, the new code is now in effect.

AIAVT will continue to advocate for DPS to consult with the technical advisory committee charged with providing critical guidance on the new code and to make necessary changes, possibly through legislation or through the LCAR rules process again. Either path will take time. 

School Construction

Act No. 149 (H.871) – Passed into law. H.871 takes a critical step in revitalizing Vermont's state-level school construction aid program. It establishes the Facilities Master Plan Grant Program to assist supervisory unions in developing master plans for educational facilities that comply with state construction aid requirements. The Agency of Education will manage this program, which runs until June 30, 2029, prioritizing applications based on poverty levels and facility conditions. The act also mandates the Agency of Education and the Department of Buildings and General Services to create prequalification criteria for firms specializing in K-12 school design and construction.

Additionally, the act forms the State Aid for School Construction Working Group to design a statewide school construction aid program, with recommendations due by December 15, 2024. This working group includes legislators and the Secretary of Education. The act also raises the threshold for school construction contracts requiring public bids from $500,000 to $2,000,000, allowing school boards to select from three or fewer lowest responsible bids instead of requiring at least three bids. David Epstein, AIA, was appointed to the School Construction Task Force in 2023, where he was a key member of the group and acted as a liaison to members of AIAVT’s PPC, keeping our committee informed. David  will continue to make himself available as a resource to the members of the new working group.

Labor Bills

S.102, an act relating to expanding employment protections and collective bargaining rights went into law without the Governor’s signature on 5/28/24. An employer shall not penalize or discriminate against an employee because they decline to attend or participate in an employer sponsored meeting that has the primary purpose of communicating the employer opinion about religious or political matters. Effective date: July 1, 2024

H.704 was signed into law on June 4, 2024 and will require most written job advertisements to include certain information regarding the type and range of monetary compensation that an employer expects to offer. The Act also requires the Attorney General’s office to publish guidance on the law’s requirements for both employers and employees. Effective date: July 1, 2025. 


Title & Sponsor

End of Session Status.  “Parenthesis” = date passed legislature

* H 687

An Act Relating To Community Resilience And Biodiversity Protection Through Land Use

Governor’s Veto overridden.

Delivered to Secretary of State on June 25, 2024 (06/17/24)

As Enacted

* H 850

An Act Relating To Transitioning Education Financing To The New System For Pupil Weighting

House message: Governor approved bill on February 22, 2024 (02/23/24)

As Enacted

* H871

An Act Relating To The Development Of An Updated State Aid To School Construction Program

House message: Governor approved bill on June 3, 2024 (05/10/24)

As Enacted

* H 887

An Act Relating To Homestead Property Tax Yields, Nonhomestead Rates, And Policy Changes To Education Finance And Taxation

Governor’s Veto overridden.

Delivered to Secretary of State on June 25, 2024 (06/17/24)

As Enacted

* S 213

An Act Relating To The Regulation Of Wetlands, River Corridor Development, And Dam Safety

Senate Message:  Allowed to become law without Governor's signature on May 30, 2024 (05/10/24)

As Enacted

* S 253

An Act Relating To Building Energy Codes

Senate Message:  Signed by Governor June 3, 2024 (05/10/24)

As Enacted

* S 259

An Act Relating To Climate Change Cost Recovery

Senate Message:  Allowed to become law without Governor's signature on May 30, 2024 (05/10/24)

As Enacted

H 289

An Act Relating To The Renewable Energy Standard

Governor’s Veto overridden.

Delivered to Secretary of State on June 25, 2024 (06/17/24)

As Enacted

H 606

An Act Relating To Professional Licensure And Immigration Status

House message: Governor approved bill on May 13, 2024 (05/10/24)

As Enacted

Bills below did not advance out of committee or did not pass both chambers.

H 530

An Act Relating To Increasing The Property Tax Credit Housesite Value Exclusion

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (01/03/24)

H 540

An Act Relating To The Siting Of Tiny Houses

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/03/24)

H 610

An Act Relating To Making Home Modifications For Safety And Livability

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (01/03/24)

H 648

An Act Relating To Contractor Licensing

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs (01/04/24)

H 652

An Act Relating To Updates To The Home Act

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/05/24)

H 675

An Act Relating To Issuing Grants For Permanent Supportive Housing

Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (01/05/24)

H 683

An Act Relating To Modernizing The State Designated Areas Program

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/09/24)

H 719

An Act Relating To Housing Development And Unit Rehabilitation

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/10/24)

H 723

An Act Relating To Flood Recovery

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/10/24)

H 746

An Act Relating To Unemployment Insurance Eligibility And Benefits

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development (01/11/24)

H 751

An Act Relating To Expanding Equal Pay Protections

Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs (02/13/24)

H 757

An Act Relating To A Property Transfer Tax Surcharge To Fund Housing

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (01/11/24)

H 758

An Act Relating To The Local Property Tax Exemption For Homes And Dwellings

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (01/11/24)

H 760

An Act Relating To Act 250 Transparency

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/11/24)

H 768

An Act Relating To Municipal Delegation Of Act 250 Authority

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/11/24)

H 791

An Act Relating To Impact Fees And Affordable Housing

Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (01/12/24)

* H 792

An Act Relating To The Residential And Commercial Building Energy Standards. See S.253

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (01/16/24)

* H 793

An Act Relating To Studying The Adoption Of A Residential Building Code. See S.253

Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (01/16/24)

H 809

An Act Relating To Climate Change Cost Recovery

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Judiciary (01/16/24)

H 856

An Act Relating To Medical Leave For A Serious Injury

Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs (03/20/24)

H 865

An Act Relating To An Income Tax Surcharge And Tax Policies Relating To Housing

Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (02/27/24)

S 9

An Act Relating To The Authority Of The State Auditor To Examine The Books And Records Of State Contractors

Referred to the Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs (03/15/23)

* S 124

An Act Relating To The Creation Of The School Construction Aid Task Force

Referred to Committee on Appropriations per Senate Rule 31 (03/15/23)

S 275

An Act Relating To Municipal Ordinances Governing Unoccupied Commercial Buildings

Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Government Operations (01/17/24)

S 294

An Act Relating To Minimum Timeframes To Act On Applications Related To The Development Of Housing

Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy (01/17/24)

* S 308

An Act Relating To Updates To Land Use Planning. Incorporated into H.687.

Committed to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy on motion of Senator Bray (01/31/24)

* S 311

An Act Relating To Bringing Everyone Home. Incorporated into H.687.

Committed to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy with report of Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs intact, under suspension of Senate Rule 49, on motion of Senator Baruth (02/20/24)