RFP - Strategic Planning: The Future of Facilities within Montpelier Roxbury Public Schools

Montpelier Roxbury School District is interested in acquiring the services of a consultant who can facilitate a robust community engagement process and help the district assess future options and opportunities for the facilities within our school district.

On July 10, 2023, the city of Montpelier experienced catastrophic flooding. The downtown area was completely engulfed in rising waters and most of the businesses and homes in this area were significantly impacted. MRPS was not immune to the flooding. Montpelier High School’s basement took in nearly six feet of water that equated to approximately two million gallons. The surrounding parking lot and athletic fields were completely submerged and also had significant damage.

As a result of this flood, community members of Montpelier have begun engaging in a visioning process to determine what can be done to mitigate future flood risk to the city. The school district, particularly MHS, has rightfully become part of this discussion. The school district and the city, however, are different governing entities and therefore require different processes.

MRPS is interested in acquiring the services of a consultant who can facilitate a robust community engagement process and help the district assess future options and opportunities for the facilities within our school district.

See full RFP for details.

Contact: Andrew LaRosa, Director of Facilities MRPS
Email: andrewlarosa@ mpsvt.org